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Your pager for the capital market

Outrun the market with DAMANTIS® and benefit from all the features & future updates


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Access to Real-Money Depot

DAMANTIS® One logo
Your pager for the capital market

Outrun the market with DAMANTIS® and benefit from all the features & future updates


49 €

incl. VAT

588 € per year


490 €

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Access to AI Trends

Access to AI Momentum Signals

Access to Real-Money Depot

DAMANTIS® One logo
Your pager for the capital market

Outrun the market with DAMANTIS® and benefit from all the features & future updates


49 €

incl. VAT

588 € per year


490 €

incl. VAT

Save 15 %


Access to AI Trends

Access to AI Momentum Signals

Access to Real-Money Depot

DAMANTIS® One logo
Your pager for the capital market

Outrun the market with DAMANTIS® and benefit from all the features & future updates


49 €

incl. VAT

588 € per year


490 €

incl. VAT

Save 15 %


Access to AI Trends

Access to AI Momentum Signals

Access to Real-Money Depot

Frequently Asked Questions

Since when has Damantis existed?

What's included in DAMANTIS One?

What does DAMANTIS One offer?

Why can I not automatically follow your trading signals?

What is the hit rate of the AI Momentum Signals?

Do your signals and strategies work at all?

How do I handle the AI trends signals?

How can there be both a long signal and a short signal at the same time?

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